Creating A Good Review – Be Informative

If you have been charged with the task of writing a review for a class that you are enrolled in, then there are a couple of specifics that you are going to have to include. Most students think that a review is going to be an organized presentation of his or her opinions of the piece of literature that he or she had to read. While the review has to include what you personally took away from the piece of literature, and it also has to be organized, there are still many other parts to the review that are on top of these two pieces. One of the main elements that you must remember is that you have to be informative about the author and the book itself.

A great review will include the following:

  1. Information about the author
  2. Historical context of the time period VS the time period and events in the book
  3. Information about the style of writing
  4. Information from the plot of the literature
  5. It should be organized
  6. You should utilize creativity to make your paper stand out

One common thread between all of these points is that the review must be providing valuable information to the readers. Readers seek out reviews of literature to get the overall feel of what happened in the book, why the author wrote it, and how this book is unique and different from others in its genre. While you are going to have the urge to go crazy writing down all of the elements of the book that you loved, and all of the parts of the book that you hated, it is important to keep your opinions relevant to the review.

Just like any other piece of writing, your review is going to need a title and a purpose. Therefore, you will have a point to prove in your writing that will be dictated by your thesis statement. You will do some research on the history and the relevant events of the time period. Then you will tie all of these elements together to make one clear, concise, and interesting review to hand in to your professor or teacher. You want to keep your opinions limited to the ones that fit within the subject matter that you have chosen for your review. This will help to keep the material organized and the readers engaged in your written review of this particular book.
