Improving Communication Climates

Communication climates refer to how communication is handled within professional work environments. Such factors play a huge role in how employees are productive and how they are retained. The concept is invisible even though there are actions behind it that are practiced or need to be implemented in order to obtain effectiveness. Often, an organization will have effective communication or they need to work on improving it within their organization to ensure business needs are met in an efficient manner. In order to provide solutions to improve it a company would need to access the current state of communication affairs within their organization.

A good place to start would include understanding how well people are able to communicate with each other. This includes different aspects such as how well employees are communicating with their supervisors and do employees have a good understanding of what is expected from them regarding their work position and duties. Communication issues may be a problem when work performance is below expectations. For instance, may be an employee is not getting reports completed in a timely manner due to problems with their computer or another employee. They may not have decided to share their concerns when they thought they could deal with the issue on their own.

An area to consider for improvement may include employee evaluation performance reviews. This is a report that is completed by the manager or head of the department. It is a form or communication to upper management regarding how well the employee has performed on their job. It may have comments from the manager about positive performance and areas you should work toward improving. These types of evaluations can take time to complete even though they serve a useful purpose. These can be modified overtime to ensure clear communication is made between the department manager and the employee.

Employees need to have a clear understanding of what is expected of them. At the same time employers need to address their needs in ways their employees will be more understanding. Some companies may not have as many meetings as they should with their employees to address communication issues. Others may not take the time to address or find a solution if they are too busy worrying about company profits. Maintaining good communication within the workforce environment is important as it helps increase productivity beneficial to both the employee and the employer.
