Traits of the Pubic Administrator


Such leaders believe that people are motivated by reward and punishment. They believe in a strict sense of organisation and a clear chain of command, further when people accept a job they pass all authority over to the Manager. Hence, the prime objective of the worker is to do precisely what the Manager tells them. Limitations and boundaries are clearly understood and often-formal disciplinary procedures are in place. Intervention is only where something is going wrong or potentially looks like going wrong. This style is very contract oriented between the boss and the subordinate despite the limitations of this style; it remains very popular and is in wide use today.


Public Administrators need to develop effective communication skills. There are three main basic types of learning communication styles. These are defined as being: (1) Visual (2) Auditory and (3) Kinaesthetic.

Using Visual Learning Styles

When communicating using visual learning styles you tend to focus upon using images, pictures, colors, and maps to organize information and communicate with others. The concept of “a picture speaks 1000 words means that you can easily visualize objects, plans and outcomes in your mind’s eye. Visual learning also provides you with good spatial senses, meaning you can understand space and direction more readily. For example: you rarely get lost if you have and read a map to find your way around. Whiteboards are very good for scribbling ideas on and using different coloured pens for differentiation and coding purposes.

Using Auditory Learning Styles

Auditory learners are those that assimilate learning best by hearing things. These learning types respond best to lectures as opposed to writing and research. A good technique for auditory learners is the speech recognition tool available on most PC's. Auditory learners seem to possess a capability for determining the true meaning of someone's words by listening to the auditory signal and the fluctuations in speech tone. The concept of saying a Phone number allowed and then remembering the number by the way it was said.

Kinaesthetic Learning Style

This type of learning style is aimed at those who learn by the experience of doing things. This relates to physical contact like sport and exercise. The tactile response to learning by touching and feeling objects. An example might be woodworking, metal craft or gardening. This is a question of being sensitive or in tune with the world around you. Such people are more energized and prefer to use hand gestures to communicate. With this collaborative learning process, you have objects and use the touch senses in order to describe them.

Extravert Personality Types

Those people with an extravert personality tend to project their energy outwards. Essentially to people thinking outside of themselves. These people tend to be much more naturally expressive, confident, and socially interactive with a diverse range of interests. Extroverts lend themselves well to brainstorming sessions, in large groups of similar personality, where they can use all of their creative and imaginative skills. These people are great for exploring new ideas and concepts and attract personality types like artists, inventors, actors etc.

Introvert Personality Types

These people tend to reflect their energies inwards and more geared towards their own personal feelings, reactions and perceptions. They are often much more reserved people and prefer privacy, inner reflection. They will be much more cautious in their relationships but have a greater depth of focus on the subject matter. These people often work best as individuals or small groups where their energies can be focused towards specific problem solving scenarios. Good examples of this type are Scientists, Mathematicians, analysts etc.